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(1) PDF Book (208 pages)
(2) Audio Track (1-96) from the original CD. Format: mp3 compressed at 196 kb
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////////// Summary ///////////
Japanese Title: CAGED ギター・システムのバイブル
English Title: The CAGED Guitar System Bible
Sub-Title: 指板図で簡単にわかる!!(Easy to understand with neck diagrams)
Pages: 208
Language: Japanese
CD: 96 tracks Audio CD
Publishing Company: DOREMI
First Editon: August 2021 (2nd Edition)
Author: David RAMBEAU
ISBN: 978-4-285-148381
The digital version is the 1st edition which is the same as the 2nd edition.
/////////////// Content //////////////
・About CAGED
・How to use this book
・Training plan
・Basic knowledge on the guitar (Structure, Neck, Notes)
■STEP 1: Learn the basic Chords and Scales
Must know Chords, Arpeggios and Scales
Chords, Arpeggios and Scales
More complex
■STEP 2: Mostly used Tension Chords and Scales
About Tension Chords
■STEP 3: Master complex tension chords
Application of Tension Chords
Survival Set
■STEP 4: Special Arpeggios and Scales
Special Arpeggios (Diagonal Shape) <6, m6, m7(b5), 7, M7>
Special Scales <Whole Tone, Chromatic, Diminished, Combination of diminished>
■STEP 5: Modes
Theory of Modes
Play the Modes on the guitar
Modes of the Major Scale
Modes of the Minor Scale
Relation between Chords and Modes
Practice of Modes
■STEP 6: Learn more
Open Tunings
Final Etude Song : TRUTH (T-Square)
About the guitar play on this book
Chord forms
Guitar Terms (Japanese, English, French)
Key Words